In terms of stock market returns, achievement of financial and strategic goals, and divestment. See, Parent Firms Across International Joint Venture Life Cycle Stages, Journal of International Business Research (2011): Issue, issue. ():; and, Control and Performance of International Joint Ventures, Journal of International Business Studies (Summer):; and, Strategic Alliances: (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2016). Scholars have identified issues related to partnership management but have not directly linked them to joint venture success (measured by the achievement of strategic goals by the parent company). See, Strategies for Successful Joint Ventures (New York: , 2011); , Managing Successful Joint Ventures (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 2017); , Cross-border Joint Ventures in Developing Countries (New York: , 2017). ; and, Strategic Alliances.
Formation, Implementation, and Evolution (Cambridge, MA: , 2016); and, Alliance Advantage: The Behavior of Creating Value through Collaboration (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2017); and, Alliance Capabilities: Maximizing The Value of Partners (New York: , 2001). Tags: Business Relationships Collaboration Competitive Strategy Partners Reposted from: More like this Job Function Email List Open Innovation The End of Twenty-Year Marketing Budget Averages Our Winter Issue Guide to Actions and Inactions in Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Thomas Davenport and Randy Bean You must be logged in to post a comment. First time here? Sign up for a free account: comment on articles and access more articles.

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