After clicking, a pop-up window will appear, including Summary, . Basically all the information about the product is displayed to facilitate consumers to fully understand it and improve the conversion rate. Seeing this, many sellers want to know how to operate this Add an Accessory. Currently, I know that there are 3 more reliable ways: 1.
Upload and add through Amazon Account Phone Number List Manager, and you will be given a form that will appear in about a day after uploading. The table is as follows 2. If you open CASE by yourself, you have a chance of success, but most of the time you will be rejected because this function is new in September, and only a few senior customer service personnel have the authority to operate it.

- Use VC account to add 4. Or seek help from Darkness Advent (linyu2048) Amazon’s Autumn Prime Day Sale is Scheduled Recently, Amazon issued an announcement announcing that the Amazon Prime Autumn Membership Sale will be held from October 10th to 11th (officially launched at 3 a.m. Eastern Time on October 10th). Japan station will be held on October 14-15, local time Sellers who have submitted a deal during the Prime membership promotion period must pay attention to and check the deal page and email notifications in a timely manner to check whether there is a risk of cancellation of the report.