In a world like that of the internet there is only one advantage remaining oneself and finding a trend . I have an education and a personal language. Choose and not be chosen. I like. Cyprien does not consider influencer marketing as an activity capable of imposing power on the masses but he focuses everything on his own figure. He can choose. Then he declines power over the quality of the content . Its strength becomes necessary for the creation of content away from advertising. He chooses based on his personal taste he was lucky enough to meet the needs of the public even better he created a need and today he doesn't have to do anything else.
Riccardo esposito i am a freelance web writer. I have Best budget GPS tracker price in Bangladesh been writing online since i specialized in drafting editorial plans for company blogs. I have written books dedicated to the world of blogging and online writing. Category marketing comments on difference between influencers and bloggers xavier december at no i do not agree. It all seems a bit forced to me. An influencer is someone who when he says something has weight a following. As the word says he is an influencer. Point. Moving the discussion only to the web an influencer often has a blog or has become one thanks to a blog but not all bloggers are influencers in fact almost none.

It is not said that he is independent. the web is gartner a multinational. Who is seth godin? By riccardo esposito | published on mar updated the may seth godin is a web marketing guru who has published several bestselling books such as the purple cow. You coined the term sneezer in the ebook unleash the ideavirus to mean current influencers. Seth godin is my reference my lighthouse my comet. I follow the words of this web marketing expert and i do so for one reason synthesis. In a few words he can say a lot. I advise everyone to read his books and follow his ideas.