Category marketing | tags brand comments on how to do personal branding with the blog nico caradonna november at hello riccardo! The blog is an excellent tool for personal branding but it is also the most difficult to use because it requires a lot of knowledge. You need to know the rules of writing a post sharing etc. I started with my work via social channels but at a certain point i realized that they limited my personal branding too much so i felt the need to use a more complete tool such as adifference between influencers and bloggers by riccardo esposito | published on dec updated the nov the blogger writes the contents in the blog on the website the influencer creates any type of content even visual but to be published anywhere.
For example on tiktok on youtube on 10 best gps tracker services in Bangladesh instagram. These are the differences in the fashion industry. In both cases we are talking about people who publish content. However there is another big difference between bloggers and influencers especially in the fashion and fashion sectors . The difference between bloggers and influencers the difference between bloggers and influencers. The latter mainly use instagram and tiktok. The blogger instead uses wordpress . But are these the only divergences in the opposing sector? Content index definitions of the work of bloggers and influencers what is the difference between bloggers and influencers? What do bloggers and influencers do differently? Difference between fashion blogger and influencer definitions of the work of bloggers and influencers the influencer must shape communication around the needs of the audience.

But when you manage to find an overlap between your interests and those of the audience you have to be careful. You must avoid selling everything short with online advertising and promotion. I don't believe that the role of bloggers is to be chosen by companies the difference between bloggers and influencers is precisely this i can decide what to write. Unless i work as a corporate resource and abide by a certain code. web professions blogger and influencer. But i agree on the importance of personal style the blogger must not be guided he must aim for immediate direct communication without intermediaries . His strength the strength of the blogger comes precisely from his independence from his being far from the needs of economic forces.